Ed Pursuits is here to provide resources and information on homeschooling and customizing your child’s education.
We post information and resources for all things homeschooling which can certainly cover a lot! We’ve got lots of printable and pdf’s for you to download as well as a list of our favorite resources and curriculum.
Amber is an ENFP personality type which makes it difficult to focus on just one thing. So here is a link to her health blog: http://sunwellhealth.com .
Her Organizing, Planning and Goal Setting site and planner ( a must for such a distracted mom to keep on track) – http://5weekmethod.com.
Here’s her site for her kids’ French books — www.kidsspeakfrench.com
And here is the link to the new Homeschool Success Stories podcast/ YouTube channel site.
Amber Semerau is the creator of this blog. She is the mother of 8 children. The 2 oldest have graduated homeschool and are working on their bachelor degrees in Music and Recreation respectively. The family has used many different resources in their homeschool. In addition to homeschooling, the kids have all attended public schools at various times including one year in public school in France. They have used online schools, living books, text books, Classical studies, lots of traveling and learning languages. They have been living in France, but are waiting out the Covid-19 pandemic in the USA waiting to see if they will return to France or stay in America.

Connect with Amber at www.edpursuits.com @edpursuits_com on twitter @edpursuitscom and @amberzeta on Instagram @5weekmethod on Instagram for quotes https://www.pinterest.com/edpursuits/ on pinterest https://www.facebook.com/edpursuits on Facebook
email edpursuits@gmail.com